THE NEAT REVIEW ISSUE THREE takes us to Tokyo in the Spring of 2020.

Cyril Takayama 
Hide Yamamoto 
Akira Fujii 
Shimpei Katsuragawa 
Ponta the Smith 
Takeshi Taniguchi 
Ben Daggers 
Tomoya Horiki 
Kyohei Tatsukawa 
Takuma Suzu 

Fully typeset in both Japanese and English, this issue of THE NEAT REVIEW prods its stick at what could be seen as a cliché: it’s not what you do, it’s how you do it. Clichés are normally boring, but not when THE NEAT REVIEW  prods at them. To that end, through the lives and work of several of Japan’s best magicians, we explore cultural effects on the practice of and appreciation for sleight of hand. We visit these artists in their studios and discuss their worlds. We thank Cyril and Hide and Akira and Shimpei and Ponta and Takeshi and Ben and Tomoya and Kyohei and Takuma for helping us to make this issue of the journal. They are fierce.

Interviews, sleights, tricks and essays.

Issue Three is about magic and sleight of hand, of course, but it is also about language, culture, aesthetics. Issue Three is about people. Not everything needs to be explained. Not everything needs to be put into boxes. So, with care and with love, we take you to Tokyo for a good old chin wag with these magicians. Let us look together now.

Oishīdesu! Arigatou Gozaimasu!

224 pages.
190mm x 260mm.
Lithographically printed, Perfect bound. Embossed cover.
ISBN 978-1-8380597-9-8
